Kadena Industrial Park Area Development Plan
Partner: JG&A
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The Kadena Industrial Park (KIP) ADP provides a detailed, long-range plan for the development of a portion of the Chibana District of Kadena Air Base.
The Kadena Industrial Park (KIP) ADP provides a detailed, long-range plan for the imminent development of a portion of the Chibana District of Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan. KIP development will accommodate 14 main industrial and administrative facilities and associated ancillary facilities to be relocated from Camp Kinser, Camp Foster, Naha Port, and Torii Station as part of the Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) plan to realign and consolidate U.S. troop strength in Okinawa. The ADP is currently being used by senior Air Force and Department of Defense Commanders and other key officials to facilitate decision-making regarding all land use, development, and construction activities within the Chibana District.
Prior planning efforts for this area had resulted in a stalemate between the U.S. Government and the Government of Japan (GoJ) in terms of the preferred course of action to best utilize existing land, limit impact to surrounding farms and nearby communities, and relocate key U.S. military industrial functions in a cost-effective manner. This effort was framed as a final attempt to create a plan to which all parties could agree and commit to as the future preferred course of action.
Our team led a planning effort that included a requirements analysis, development of several preliminary site layout concepts, and facilitation of a stakeholder-driven workshop, resulting in the creation of a preferred development plan and summary report. During the requirements analysis phase, the planning team reviewed Form 42 documents (similar to a DD1391) that outlined the facility and site space requirements for each of the 14 main facilities and identified required functional relationships and adjacencies. The results of this analysis provided the basis for the development of several preliminary site layout concepts.
A stakeholder-driven planning workshop evaluated the results of the requirements analysis and preliminary concepts and developed several more development alternatives, ultimately leading the selection of a preferred development concept. More than 75 stakeholders participated during the week-long charrette, including representatives of installation leadership and key tenants. Senior planners and architects from the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) and the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) flew to Japan from the United States to provide siting input for their warehouses which will serve as distribution centers for the Pacific Region. The key military negotiators between the U.S. Government and GoJ were in attendance as well.
Through a bi-lateral agreement, the plan has been approved to guide future development of Kadena Industrial Park. Final planning products were delivered in both English and Japanese, and included a transportation component plan, utility component plan, an area development plan, and five additional Form 42 documents to guide future construction. Groundbreaking is expected in FY21.
Project Stats
Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan
Year Completed
Project Size (Acres)
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